Graydient is a book based on the biracial experience. Growing up biracial was not easy. Even with its ups and downs, it has shaped me into the woman I am today. Only 2.9% of people are actually biracial, and that doesn’t give biracial people much of a voice, or a loud one, that is.
My goal in creating this book was to be a voice and a helping hand to biracial individuals, especially kids aged 12+, that don't always have someone to go to for help with their biracial experiences. This book is also helpful for those that are not biracial themselves, but they want to learn more about what we experience each day.
Various image making techniques are used throughout this book to give the reader a visual journey through the biracial experience. I was determined to find approachable ways to present the information in an engaging way that was not overwhelming to the reader, but still get the point across.

Want a copy of your own? Graydient is available for sale on Amazon! If you are interested, the link is below!
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